Interface | Description |
ECPCellEditor |
A common super interface for all CellEditors contributed to ECP.
ECPCellEditorComparator |
ECPCellEditor may optionally implement the ECPCellEditorComparator interface. |
ECPCellEditorTester |
This interface defines a
ECPCellEditorTester.isApplicable(EObject, EStructuralFeature, ViewModelContext) method which is used to
the priority of a celleditor. |
ECPCustomUpdateCellEditor |
If a
ECPCellEditor additionally implements this interface, the cell editor instance will be notified when
a cell's label and image need to be updated. |
ECPElementAwareCellEditor |
If a
ECPCellEditor additionally implements this interface, the cell editor instance will be notified about
the edited row element before the editor gets activated. |
ECPFilterableCell |
Optional interface (either implemented or provided as an adapter)
for a cell that supports filtering by its text content.
ECPViewerAwareCellEditor |
If a
ECPCellEditor additionally implements this interface, the cell editor instance will get the TableViewer
instance it belongs to. |
Class | Description |
ECPEnumCellEditor |
Common base class for combo-based enum cell editors.
MultiStringCellEditor |
A cell Editor to display List of Strings in a cell editor.
MultiStringCellEditor_PTest | |
MultiStringCellEditorTester |
Tester for number cell editor.
StringBasedCellEditor |
Cell editor for string based cell editors that implements a custom
activate method that propagates changes on first key stroke.
StringCellEditor |
A String cell editor which displays strings.
StringCellEditor_PTest | |
StringCellEditorTester |
ECPCellEditorTester testing whether a StringCellEditor is applicable. |
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