Interface | Description |
EMFFormsLegacyServicesManager |
Requesting an instance of this will read in
ViewModelServices registered using an extension point and provide
them as EMFFormsScopedServiceProviders . |
GlobalViewModelService |
A ViewModelService which is instantiated only in the root context.
ViewModelContext |
The Interface ViewModelContext.
ViewModelContextDisposeListener |
A Listener which gets notified when a
ViewModelContext gets disposed. |
ViewModelService |
The AbstractViewService is a common super type for all View Services.
ViewModelServiceProvider |
A provider of local
ViewModelService s to inject into the ViewModelContext
that override statically registered services in it and its children, recursively down
the context hierarchy. |
Class | Description |
ViewModelContextFactory |
This Factory can be used to instantiate
ViewModelContexts . |
ViewModelServiceNotAvailableReport |
Indicates that
ViewModelService is not available. |
ViewModelServiceProvider.Composed |
A composition of two
ViewModelServiceProvider s. |
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