EMAIL: NAME: john TOPIC: Architecture COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: RaceTech COUNTRY: United States WEBPAGE: coming soon (I hope) RENDERER USED: Microstation 8.1 TOOLS USED: Photoshop 6 for textures RENDER TIME: @ 2hrs 15 min HARDWARE USED: P4 1.8ghz w/ 1MB RAM IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Just a "what if" kind of thing. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: Originally Modeled in Microstation J (v7) Dusted off, modified, re-textured and rendered in Microstation V 8.1 just for kicks. The building was the design of a good friend of mine. This image is sort of a surprise for him. The cars you see are freebies from a year or two ago.