EMAIL: TITLE: Arctic NAME: Marco Cavet COUNTRY: Germany WEBPAGE: TOPIC: Spectacular Landscapes COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. JPGFILE: arctic.jpg ZIPFILE: none RENDERER USED: 3DS Max 4.2 TOOLS USED: Photoshop, for adding text RENDER TIME: 1hour, 23min HARDWARE USED: Athlon 800Mhz, 384 MB IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A friend of mine recently returned from a trip to Norway. He showed me some great photographs and told me, that some of the most spectacular landscapes could be found there. And soon after I saw the topic of this round. So I decided to make an image of a coastal mountain in the far north for the competition. My goal was to show the viewer some of the greatness of nature. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: The first thing I did, was creating the mountain and placeing the camera. The next thing I had to do, was creating the water. Then I placed the lights an added some fog and clouds. Now I played around with the material editor and created the procedural textures. (all textures in this images are procedural, no bitmap texture was used) Now I did some test renders, moved everything around until I was pleased. At last I did some final fixes on the textures. I hope you like what I did.