EMAIL: NAME: Keith Frost TOPIC: Spirit of Asia COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: Lost in Asia COUNTRY: USA WEBPAGE: RENDERER USED: BMRT TOOLS USED: Ayam3D/Mops RENDER TIME: about 1 hour HARDWARE USED: AMD 350MHz IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Traveler Lost in Asia, and about to disappear off the face of the earth. This was inspired by a story I was told at a family reunion. A relative that had been fighting in the pacific(WWII) had written home to tell the family that he would be coming home in a few months. They wrote back to say "great, that will be just in time to help with the cotton". Instead of coming home he disappeared into china for 5 years. They were saying that he hated picking cotton so much he "disappeared instead" DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: The most geometry was created with Ayam3D and some old geometry was reused that was created with the older version of the software called Mops. The clouds were the inside of a sphere with the KMCyclone shader. The sea was a glass surface shader and a dented displacement shader. The Islands are paraboloids with a green marble shader. The main hull of the ship is the union of two paraboloids end to end with other misc. primatives added for detail. the shader used was plank. the sails were nurbspatches hung from cylinders(Mast and booms). Rigging was also combinations of cylinders. enjoy.s