TITLE: Cave, Lake, Island, Fountain NAME: Dave Turner COUNTRY: USA EMAIL: prizog@hotmail.com WEBPAGE: (soon to be novalis.ipdorm.reed.edu) TOPIC: Water COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT JPGFILE: lakedmt.jpg ZIPFILE: lakedmt.zip RENDERER USED: POVRay 3.02 for Linux (Debian), windows, dos, and macintosh (really!) TOOLS USED: GIMP (www.gimp.org) for heightfields, assembly, and b&c RENDER TIME: ~14 days, sorta HARDWARE USED: DELL 350 Mhz, DELL 400 Mhz, CTX 350 Mhz, iMac 233 Mhz IMAGE DESCRIPTION: It's a fountain surrounded by chairs on an island in a lake in a cave. I got my inspiration about the 23rd, then got involved in teaching my friend to POV. On the 27th, I got back to this, at which time I realized that a 10 day render time was more than I had. thankfully, I'm at college, so I made myself a little render farm out of my friends computers. That's when the fun started. One had little black pixels all over the image, and different machines did the fountain differently. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: Read the source! Since it was made on different computers, I had to put it together. I used the GIMP, a photoshop-like program for X-Windows. Other than that, there's not much to tell. Note that the fountain code is a little dodgy. I'd rewrite it before using it. No modeler was used for any part of this image -- i did it all by hand or with loops. NOTE: Although I have submitted to the standard copyright, the code is released under the GNU GPL as well. This doesn't seem to conflict, and the GPL is the moral high-road. Note that in the case of POVRay code, I would interpret the term "binaries" to include images. To read it go to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html