TOPIC: Arts & Entertainment EMAIL: NAME: Christopher Kelly COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: A Boyd-of-London Piano COUNTRY: England WEBPAGE: [under construction] RENDERER USED: PoV-Ray version 3.0 for Windows TOOLS USED: Paint Shop Pro HARDWARE USED: Pentium-120 IMAGE DESCRIPTION: The image is of some piano keys, of which the reflections can be seen in the backboard of the Boyd piano. One key (Middle C) is pushed downwards ( an invisible hand ;-) The black keys are really weirdly shaped!?!?! DESCRIPTION OF HOW THE IMAGE WAS CREATED The black and white key were indivually created using superellipsoids (which is perfect for the white keys, but no so good for the black, as you can see). Then, the collections of three whites and two blacks, plus four whites and three blacks were created (ie. notes c, c#, d, d#, e, and f, f#, g, g#, a, a#, b, respectively, where the c key is rotated to give the effect of depression). Then a series of these groups were placed side-by-side to create the keyboard. The backboard is a reflective black plane with a text object saying "Boyd" translated into it. Translations and scalings produce the final result.