EMAIL: NAME: David Allan Morris Oliveros TOPIC: Glass COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. RENDERER USED: povray 3.0 for Linux TOOLS USED: PovRay 3.0, a text editor, and my year 12 maths text book :) RENDER TIME: 120 hours (yes! hours, nearly a week!) HARDWARE USED: Pentium-133 / 32MB RAM IMAGE DESCRIPTION: This image is more or less a "glass" bowl made up of 14,600 spheres. I think it's nice. Nothing more to say, see it for your self. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: The image is simply the mathematical formula: Y = (3 * cos X) - cos (3 * X) applied on a two dimesional plane, and then rotated, lots of times, sort of like a lathe. I used the #while loop in Pov to do this. This one is a real bummer to render, apart from that it needs 20MB of RAM reserved just for this thing. It doesn't look too glassy, i was trying to get the texture right about two weeks ago, and i started making some rough estimates on how long it would take to render, and discovered that it might not finish! So i did a few test with a single sphere until i got what i liked and started to render, but there is a big diferance from one sphere to 14,600! So it didn't turn out two good, and i didn't have any time (literaly) to re-render. Please send comments, critics, anything. Thanx go out to Eduard Schwan for his cool image BlopLoop.Pov which *everyone* that uses pov 3 *should* have (it's a sample file included with the program:) for inspiring me to use a loop thing and be able to do this image. And most important: thanx to the organizers for this wonderful competition.