EMAIL: NAME: Kevin Mueller TOPIC: Glass COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT TITLE: COUNTRY: U.S.A. WEBPAGE: None yet RENDERER USED: 3d Studio Release 4 TOOLS USED: POVray 2.0, Moray, Adobe Photoshop 4, 3d Studio RENDER TIME: 1 hr. 20 min. HARDWARE USED: Pentium 166, 32 megs of RAM IMAGE DESCRIPTION: The glass object in this image is the five point candle. The center dish of the candle is filled with red tinted oil upon which a small, black candle floats. The arms of the candle are hollow so oil may flow into basins at the base of each of the candle posts. The posts are hollow as well, allowing wicks to dip into the oil pools and fuel the candles on top. The whole candle structure sits on top of a pentagram carved into the table. Happy little scene, isn't it? DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: I'd like to say now that I had every intention of exporting this image to POVray, but as the model grew, it just got too big for POVray to handle. The entire model was built in 3d-Studio. Everything in it was an original model. The vast majority of the model was made by lofting, usually using a fit deform. The ribs on the arms of the candle were made by bending the path in the lofter. The wood grain image map was made in POVray 2.0 and turned into a jpeg in Adobe. The map on the flames was also made in Adobe using the gradient tool. The knife on the shelf in the background was made by me but based on the Gil Hibben "Dragon Lord" knife. After rendering, Adobe was used to insert my name and for the conversion to jpeg.