NAME:Marshall Flynn TOPIC:Science Fiction 96 COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. RENDERER USED:Povray 3.0 TOOLS USED:Turbo Basic (partial scene generation) RENDER TIME:16 min. 37 sec. HARDWARE USED:486-120 12Megs,Color flatbed scanner (background image) IMAGE DESCRIPTION:Stellar craft approach to Saturn moon system DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: Exercise to try scene generation using an external programming language. Turbo basic is quick and dirty and produces stand-alone executable. Idea was to create the rubble that circles Saturn (exploded moon?) without too much effort in the povray scene editing department. I was first fascinated by the plant generation programs out there (most notably the L-string one). Anyway: 1. Simulate orbital mechanics mathematically 2. Translate to output Povray scene language 3. Tweak colors, etc. 4. create separate include craft file, tweak. 5. Scan good space background image (field guide:Stars & Planets) 6. Add components for scene, tweak for angles, etc. This was a nice little challenge for me and not even close to the skills I have seen submitted previously. This was just plain enjoyable. Use saturn.exe (in zipfile) to create ring system.